Sounds counterintuitive but did you ever hear that giving away at least 10% of your income will increase your abundance and financial well-being?
The secret of increasing your wealth is to give your money away. Sounds a bit like Brewsters millions.. But it is the subject of books such as Happy Money, Think and Grow Rich and The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.
One secret of unending wealth is to tithe your income. Some may have heard of this and are already doing this. But if not, this is where you give 10% of your income to a spiritual organisation or a cause that you get value from regularly. According to universal laws, what you give away is returned to you in ten fold This can include giving to charities you believe in.
Money is Energy. Another concept is that money is an energy, it likes to move. Let it move, spend it. Don’t hoard your money as this sends a message to the universe that you are afraid of loosing your money.
It’s very important to remember that money likes movement. It doesn’t like sitting still, being stagnant or static. It wants to express itself by doing what it was meant to do — to be used as a medium of exchange. If money if not used, then there is no exchange of values. Energy that doesn’t move is merely unused potential. It has to move for it to be of use.
Buenostar, Laina (2012-06-23). Happy Money (Increase the Flow of Money with a Simple 2-Step Formula)
Gratitude is the new buzz word that will help you with prosperity. Be grateful for what you have.
A quote from Catherine Ponder “I give thanks that I am now rich, well and happy and that my financial affairs are in divine order. Every day in every way I am growing richer and richer.” When we are grateful we open the doors to receive. If we have nothing to be grateful for start with your breath, can you breath, can you move, can you walk? Give thanks for this (See Oprah clip on Gratitude)
If you are still having trouble manifest money into your life. Look at your own beliefs around money. A great book by Barbra Stanny looks at the inner work that needs to be done in order to clear your path to prosperity. Self worth, family patters, worthiness are all blocks and challenges to your financial abundance.
Giving away your money, being grateful for what you have and opening up to receive money to flow to you are strong keys to your financial abundance.
Give a few affirmations a go too – words are powerful!
Podcasts on Prosperity
Spiritual Entrepreneur