Spring is a season of new beginnings, renewal, and growth. As the days get longer and warmer, the world around us starts to come back to life with blooming flowers, chirping birds, and buzzing bees.
Spring is the time of cleansing the body of winter.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver energy is most active in spring and is in charge of circulating the body’s energy/Qi. Beginning in April the Qi moves and becomes full like the flowers that begin to blossom and the earthy mother nature Qi becomes more solidified and centered.
Dandelion – a spring flower in bloom now
Dandelion is a natural diuretic that helps get rid of water retention and supports good kidney function. Dandelions are a traditional cure for liver issues. We now know that they stimulate the production of bile, which has a vital role to play in digestion. Dandelions also contain polysaccharides that protect the liver from harm.

1. The 3 phases of a dandelion represent the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower represents the sun, the white puff ball represents the moon and the dispersing seeds represent the stars.
2. The name dandelion comes from French dent-de-lion, meaning “lion’s tooth” because of the pointy shape of its leaves.
3. After the yellow flower blooms, the petals dry out and fall off. The bracts (pointy leaves holding up the flower) fold backward, the puffy white ball opens up and that’s when you can make your wish!
This tenacious weed has been used by herbalists for thousands of years to support the liver, relieve water retention, and prevent UTIs. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dandelion has a reputation for cooling heat (inflammation) and assisting the body in removing toxins.
Dandelion tea – the flowers, leaf, and root of dandelion can all be used to make dandelion tea
Angel for Spring – Archangel Raphael
The task of springtime is to open the heart. Ask Raphael to help you with healing the wounds within your own heart and to help to heal the wounded heart of the world. Ask Raphael to guide you to golden opportunities to heal yourself and others during this season of resurrection and new life.
The next Healing Room workshop is on 23rd June – Summer Wellness